Ženy a technika

Technika a ICT - Cherchez la femme !

Promoting elimination of gender segregation in the Pilsen Region

Participating institutions - FIRMS

Plzeňský kraj

Do projektu „Technika a ICT – Cherchez la femme !“ se zapojily následující firmy:

Alfmeier CZ s.r.o. - http://www.alfmeier.de/index.php?id=99
BOHEMIA SEKT s.r.o. - http://www.bohemiasekt.cz/cs/
BRUSH SEM s. r. o. - www.brush-sem.cz
DOPLA PAP a.s. - http://www.pap.cz/cz/uvod/
EvoBus Bohemia s.r.o. – www.evobus.cz
FAIVELEY TRANSPORT LEKOV - www.faiveleytransport.com
Gerresheimer Horšovský Týn spol. s.r.o. - www.gerresheimer.com/en/company/locations/gerresheimer-horsovsky-tyn
Gühring s. r. o. - www.guehring.cz
HASELMEIER s.r.o. - http://www.haselmeier.com/virtualtour/
CHRIST CAR WASH s.r.o. - http://www.christ-ag.com/cms/skupina-christ/christ-car-wash-s-r-o/o-spolecnosti/?L=12
Key Plastic Janovice s.r.o. - www.keyplastics.com
MBTech Bohemia s.r.o. - http://www.mbtech-group.com/cz
MDS Engineering k.s. - http://www.mds-p.cz/
RODENSTOCK ČR, s.r.o. - www.rodenstock.cz/rodb2c/cz/cz/index.html
RYOR a.s., - www.ryor.cz
Streicher spol. s.r.o. - www.streicher.cz
SYSTHERM s. r. o. - www.systherm.com
Škoda JS a.s. - http://www.skoda-js.cz/
Škoda Transportation a. s. - www.skoda.cz/cs/
TROST Auto Service Technik - http://cz.trost.com/
VALBEK spol. s r. o. - www.valbek.eu/cs/




"The project has been supported by the Open Society Fund Prague within its programme called ‘Let´s Give Women a Chance’, which is funded from the Norway Grants. Through the Norway Grants, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic disparities and to strengthening mutual cooperation in Europe. It primarily supports the environmental protection, research and scholarships, the civil society development, health care, children, gender equality and the judiciary improvement. The Let´s Give Women a Chance programme promotes equal opportunities for men and women in professional and personal life and prevention and help to victims of domestic violence in the Czech Republic. The programme is administered by the Open Society Fund Prague, which has been developing the values of open society and democracy in the Czech Republic since 1992.”

Academy of the Regional Chamber of Commerce of the Pilsen Region, o.p.s.